Friday, January 16, 2015


Ok so to answer everyone's questions.... NO! I have not stopped blogging. Actually I am more excited about the site now than ever. Anyone that knows me personally knows that I have always had a passion for cooking and with that passion I have added an addition to my brand. As I have said in my previous post all of my time and energy has gone into my new business venture which is launching my personal chef services business and now that I am settled in the DC area it has been a hit!

So where does that leave iNTHEMIXXER.COM? Well the site is still in full swing and I will be incorporating everything about the site into a new web series called "For The Love of Food and HipHop." The show will be based around my talent for cooking but also my love for what started the site in the first place. Music. Indie music to be specific. Each episode I will be interviewing an upcoming artist and we will cook dishes based on a song of that artists choice. I am so excited to start filming.

For those new to the site I welcome you. Any information pertaining to the personal chef services I provide can be found under the "CHEF MIXXER" tab. Along with recipes, tips, and upcoming events I will be participating in. But don't stop at the food tab! Take some time to explore the site and enjoy the features and all my hookups available!

If you are in the DC area take a second to check out my Valentine's Day schedule and be sure to email me for booking information!

Monday, November 24, 2014

#ForTheGirlWho... Single and Moving

I know I know I know. It's been a few months since my last post but I have very good reason. If you follow me on social media you already know about my latest business venture. I am officially a personal chef! I'm so excited because I have so much in store with this new phase of my brand. Including merging the blog and my kitchen skills with a new web series "For The Love of Food and Hiphop." More details about that later. 

So as I write this I am literally sitting on my empty apartment floor. Why? Because
I'm MOVING! That's right I'll be based out of the DC area and I couldn't be more excited, especially because I'll be so close to my family. As I've been getting closer and closer to my official move date (two weeks away) I can't help but think about the relationships I've developed while living here in Virginia and what will become of them once I'm gone. Personal relationships and friendships alike. Too many times I have had people in my life just for a season and with me moving I have a strong feeling that that season is closely coming to an end.

I am a firm believer that anyone that is meant to be in your life, no matter what state or country they live in, they will remain in your life if they so choose to be. That will require a little effort from both parties but it's very possible. There will be some that fall by the wayside, but that's just the nature of the beast. Well what about a relationship with the opposite sex? With this move, I've learned this, if the relationship with your significant other was as important to them as it was to you, there would've been a game plan months before this moment. I'm not saying there's no hope for your relationship, but what I am saying is take the time apart to focus on yourself. If your decision to relocate was even 1/2 as hard as it was for me to make, try making yourself the priority. Too many times we miss out on amazing opportunities life has presented us because we are so worried about how it will affect others. Now for the record I am writing this as a single 25 year old woman without a spouse and without children so I am free to move as I please. I think women in the circumstance that I am in (not having a ball and chain to drag around) get so caught up in the "Why aren't you married yet?" "When are you going to settle down?" "When are you going to have a kid?" questions that we don't realize how cool it is to have the liberty to just pack up and go. If no one has told you, I'm telling you now, LIVE YOUR LIFE! Be single, a true individual, you'll be really impressed with the things you can accomplish.

On that note, remember a few months ago I had my pastor Dr. J L Simpson come on my radio show to answer some questions from my callers? Well he recently gave me a definition of single that I thought I should share with you. He said "Being single means to be whole, complete, unique, having authority, having self control and power. To be able to function independently without the support of another."

It's ok to be single girl. Be brave, move, make new friends, make new memories, and live. 

Happy Thanksgiving!


Monday, September 8, 2014

#ForTheGirlWho... Knowing Your Worth

HAPPY CUFFING SEASON!!! Right? lol. Summer is officially "over" (I put quotes because it hasn't cooled down where I live one bit), football season has started, the fall breeze is right around the corner and if you live anywhere on the East Coast or Golf areas its hurricane season. So what does that mean for you? The single one? Who has received a "hey stranger" text in the last two weeks? *raises hand* I sure have. Before you send that "I'm not the stranger, you are" reply to initiate this emotional roller coaster you are about to strap into, let me pose a question. Do you know your worth?

This question has been on my mind the past few days for multiple reasons. The most recent being the footage that surfaced of NFL player Ray Rice spitting on, slapping, and eventually knocking unconscious his fiancĂ© (now wife) in an incident that happened in Atlantic City. I watched that video like 50 times. Watched it on TV,  my iPhone, and on my MacBook. The reason I watched it so many times is because I wanted to make sure I was really seeing the situation. I have to admit it was pretty hard to watch. If anyone spit on me I really don't know if I could just walk away from that. Looking past the actual incident, this is what I gathered. First, although I am a firm believer in NO ONE, male or female, should put their hands on each other and women need to realize that not every man was raised to just walk away when provoked, that is not a real man that I saw in that video. Men don't behave that way. The second thing I realized is that by the way she was acting, this could not have been the first time that it's happened. Like I said spitting on someone like that is not something you just give a slap for. If he spit on me there was absolutely NO WAY that I would continue to get in an elevator with him. I say this because after all of that, the physical abuse and the public humiliation, this woman still married him.

#TheCopyCat Vol. 1: Denim On Denim

Denim On Denim!

All denim all the time! Denim on denim has recently exploded on the street style scene. 

Beyonce, Rihanna, Cameron Diaz, and Miranda Kerr are amongst a few A-List celebrities that have been spotted in all denim. While some may be hesitant to dress in head-to-toe in one look. I'll tell you how to pull off these looks right and where to shop for less.

When it comes to fabric, denim reigns supreme. Always cool, versatile in nature and unlike other fads, denim will never fade. 

What is the secret to pulling off the look?
The secret is about balance and knowing your body and flattering your shape. When wearing denim on denim, lighter shades draw attention to the body parts they cover, while darker denim creates a slimming effect. So depending if you are top heavy or bottom heavy choosing the right shade of demin will hide your problem areas or excentuate they areas you want to draw attention to! 

What is the most common mistake?
 The most common mistake is picking denim that is all the same wash & weight. Also, don't over accessoize with busy statement pieces, your outfit is already a bold statement! 

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

#NowPlaying: The Game feat. Various Artist x Don't Shoot (Mike Brown Tribute)

Unless you have been living under a rock you know that the city of Ferguson, MO has in some sense turned into a war zone after the shooting of an unarmed teen by the name of Michael Brown who had his hands up in the air before he was killed by a police officer. Mike Brown's family and the entire city has received a huge outpouring of support from the celeb realm, the hip hop sector to be more specific. Today Compton rapper The Game teamed up with a bunch of his industry heavy hitters and released a tribute track to not only show a united front on the issue but also raise money for the battle the teen's family will face in court. Prayers are up from everyone here to the city of Ferguson. Our hope is that order is restored safely and justice is served. Download link for the track is below. What do you think?


#ForTheGirlWho.... Dating, Friendships, and Talking About Jesus

"I'm a kingdom Chic"... "Child of the most high God"... "I don't drink"... "I'm not having sex"... "I want a God fearing man"... These are all confessions that I have been making recently. I've been saved almost all of my life but I did not always feel comfortable talking about my religion publicly. So does that mean I don't truly believe in it? I have friends of many different faiths, Christians, Muslims,  and Jews you name it, who had no problem telling me about what they believe in. If I were being 100% honest I would say that I was afraid of being that "debbie downer" or "buzz kill" that sounded "too preachy" but over the last year I have grown closer to God than I have ever been in my entire 25 years on this earth. Now everyone might not believe in the same God that I believe in, however each religion does have it's particular way of living. So my question is, how do you transition from living one way to another?

For me it was something that has become easier and easier as the day goes by. For me it has been the fact that I have been super consistent in going to church and surrounding myself with people who are already living the way that I want to live that has allowed me to have the confidence to even write this post. It all starts with yourself. 

Sunday, August 10, 2014

#StuffWeLove: 'Dior: Strip Club Diaries #1' by Keshia 'Dior' Floyd

A few years ago when I first started blogging I met a blogger out of Miami by the name of Dior. A few months after I had been networking with her I took a trip to Miami for the first time, met up with her and she took very good care of my friend and I. Helped us get a nice hotel, showed us around, even picked us up when we went out. Over dinner one night I had the opportunity to pick her brain and I soon discovered that this woman was much more than a blogger. She was in every sense of the word a "hustler." I was having dinner with one of the top promoters in the city! In the hour that we sat there she changed my whole perspective of strippers and even plastic surgery. The most interesting thing I learned about her is that she is a former dancer (exotic dancer) turned entrepreneur and now she can add author to her resume. 'Dior: Strip Club Diaries #1' is Dior's unfiltered autobiography of her life before, during, and after her time on the stage. I recently got a chance to catch up with the author to talk about her very first book! Check it out.