Monday, November 24, 2014

#ForTheGirlWho... Single and Moving

I know I know I know. It's been a few months since my last post but I have very good reason. If you follow me on social media you already know about my latest business venture. I am officially a personal chef! I'm so excited because I have so much in store with this new phase of my brand. Including merging the blog and my kitchen skills with a new web series "For The Love of Food and Hiphop." More details about that later. 

So as I write this I am literally sitting on my empty apartment floor. Why? Because
I'm MOVING! That's right I'll be based out of the DC area and I couldn't be more excited, especially because I'll be so close to my family. As I've been getting closer and closer to my official move date (two weeks away) I can't help but think about the relationships I've developed while living here in Virginia and what will become of them once I'm gone. Personal relationships and friendships alike. Too many times I have had people in my life just for a season and with me moving I have a strong feeling that that season is closely coming to an end.

I am a firm believer that anyone that is meant to be in your life, no matter what state or country they live in, they will remain in your life if they so choose to be. That will require a little effort from both parties but it's very possible. There will be some that fall by the wayside, but that's just the nature of the beast. Well what about a relationship with the opposite sex? With this move, I've learned this, if the relationship with your significant other was as important to them as it was to you, there would've been a game plan months before this moment. I'm not saying there's no hope for your relationship, but what I am saying is take the time apart to focus on yourself. If your decision to relocate was even 1/2 as hard as it was for me to make, try making yourself the priority. Too many times we miss out on amazing opportunities life has presented us because we are so worried about how it will affect others. Now for the record I am writing this as a single 25 year old woman without a spouse and without children so I am free to move as I please. I think women in the circumstance that I am in (not having a ball and chain to drag around) get so caught up in the "Why aren't you married yet?" "When are you going to settle down?" "When are you going to have a kid?" questions that we don't realize how cool it is to have the liberty to just pack up and go. If no one has told you, I'm telling you now, LIVE YOUR LIFE! Be single, a true individual, you'll be really impressed with the things you can accomplish.

On that note, remember a few months ago I had my pastor Dr. J L Simpson come on my radio show to answer some questions from my callers? Well he recently gave me a definition of single that I thought I should share with you. He said "Being single means to be whole, complete, unique, having authority, having self control and power. To be able to function independently without the support of another."

It's ok to be single girl. Be brave, move, make new friends, make new memories, and live. 

Happy Thanksgiving!


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