Wednesday, August 27, 2014

#ForTheGirlWho.... Dating, Friendships, and Talking About Jesus

"I'm a kingdom Chic"... "Child of the most high God"... "I don't drink"... "I'm not having sex"... "I want a God fearing man"... These are all confessions that I have been making recently. I've been saved almost all of my life but I did not always feel comfortable talking about my religion publicly. So does that mean I don't truly believe in it? I have friends of many different faiths, Christians, Muslims,  and Jews you name it, who had no problem telling me about what they believe in. If I were being 100% honest I would say that I was afraid of being that "debbie downer" or "buzz kill" that sounded "too preachy" but over the last year I have grown closer to God than I have ever been in my entire 25 years on this earth. Now everyone might not believe in the same God that I believe in, however each religion does have it's particular way of living. So my question is, how do you transition from living one way to another?

For me it was something that has become easier and easier as the day goes by. For me it has been the fact that I have been super consistent in going to church and surrounding myself with people who are already living the way that I want to live that has allowed me to have the confidence to even write this post. It all starts with yourself. 

When it come's to your friendships it might be hard for your friends to accept your lifestyle change. Maybe you don't want to drink as much or even at all anymore, maybe the club is not conducive to the way you want to live, or maybe you can't stay out until 3am on Saturday night because you have to go to church Sunday morning. Of course you don't want to lose these people in your life that you have been through so much with but if this is something that you really want, there is a conversation that has to be had eventually. You don't have to make your friends change their lives but you can simply let them know that you are working on something for yourself, and if they really love you the way they say they do, they will respect it. For example I recently stopped drinking, but I am not going to miss a friend's birthday because they are drinking and I'm not. When someone asks me if I'd like a drink I say yes "Let me get a pineapple juice and ginger ale... and can I have it in a wine glass?" lol Call it posing but I guarantee you no one will bother me for the rest of the night. It works for me. I would also suggest inviting your friends to see what has been occupying your time so much. You never know, they might be in need of it. Another analogy I can give you is remember when the first baby of your crew of friends was born? One minute the turn up was too real, now there is someone else that decides where your friend goes and how they spend their money. In some way it affected the whole dynamic of the crew. That person had a change in priorities, and even though its not exactly the same the love is still there. In a nutshell, your REAL friends will get over it. lol.

Now dating is another obstacle. In a lot of religions, God (whichever one you choose to believe in) comes first. So for me I have decided not date anyone that either makes me feel like I cannot speak about my faith around them or makes me feel like I have to put them or anyone or thing else before it. Honey, that eliminated just about everyone on my roster! And that is perfectly fine. You have to be willing to accept that not everyone is going to feel the same way you do. Now as I've said a million times before, I'm not leading with "Hey my name is Ashanti, and if you don't believe in the same thing as I do I can't talk to you." But if you plan on seriously dating someone I would suggest you have the conversation about religion early. Then again, you might not even have to explain your beliefs at all. The way you live your life might be explanation enough. 

The best way to be able to talk about Jesus is just by being an example. People can't deny what they can see what their own two eyes. You don't have slap the Bible on the table and be so up tight. Or tell people that they are living wrong. A big part of the reason why people are afraid to talk about Jesus with people who are saved is because of a serious fear of being judged. People would be more willing to entertain the conversation if we acted more in acts of love and kindness. I do talk about Jesus with my friends more but the reason I am able to do so is because they have noticed a change in my attitude. I don't get as flustered as I used to, I'm not as rude, and they see how many awesome things have happened in my life that I give God all the credit for. I don't make them feel uncomfortable and that's why they are willing to hear about this guy named Jesus.

Do I slip? YES! YES! YES! YES! I don't have this saved thing down pact but that is why I am constantly around people of the same faith as me. It helps. I'm a piece of work. A member of what my pastor calls "the radical bunch" but I realize there is nothing wrong with living righteous. Are you making a transition in your faith? I'd love to hear how your journey is going. You can email me or comment below with your stories. Hope this helped dolls.

- @InTheMixxer

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