Monday, April 21, 2014

For The Girl Who... Has to chose between love and career (21APR14)

"For the Girl Who..." is INTHEMIXXER.COM's single girl's guide. Although I don't have all the answers that Sway has, I don't mind sharing my experiences to help the next girl out. A friend of mine and fellow blogger @KristalWithA_K ( had the idea to start this series because we believe we aren't the only girls going through the things we go through. Kristal is a single mother with a successful career in broadcast communication with a double bachelors so you will be getting two well rounded points of view. We'll try our best to give you a straight forward unbiased opinion and hopefully spark some healthy conversations amongst you and your friends, family, and coworkers. Enjoy!

For the girl who.... Has to chose between love and career.
Recently this conversation was brought up because I am in the process of making a major move. I'm switching coasts at the end of the year. The furthest west I've ever been is Louisiana (I used to date a guy from Baton Rouge). Now I'm not involved with anyone in any way and since I'm moving I've made the decision to not even start anything new until after because I'm not the long distance type. But then I asked myself, well what IF I met someone and even through friendship started developing feelings for them? What the hell do I do now? Eight months is a long time to spend with someone. Marriages can come out of an eight month stitnt. Well from my point of view as a single 25 year old woman with no children. I'd still make the move. Although this wouldn't be an easy decision to make, and every situation is different. I'd move. Everyone that knows me knows I am a hopeless romantic. I love everything about love. But an opportunity to see something new? I'm taking it. If I were forced to make a decision like this I would definately weigh the pros and cons. This world and this life has so much to offer, I personally wouldn't pass it up based on a shoulda coulda woulda. So what if you stay? And the person you passed up this awesome opportunity for ends up breaking your heart? Now your stuck and full of resentment. Don't let loneliness cloud your judgement. Live a little! And if that person was meant to be in your life... They'll be there.

- @InTheMixxer

Need Kristal or myself to weigh in on your single girl's issues? Send your letter to INTHEMIXXER@CRCDJS.COM

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